Club Rules
Below you will see the outline of our club rules. These rules are strictly enforced for the safety of you and others on our property.
Cheyenne Trap and Skeet Club Rules
General Safety
Actions must be kept open when not shooting
Only 7 1/2, 8 or 9 size shot in target loads of 3 DRMA or less equivalent can be used on any shooting field
Shooters are not permitted to load gun until on the line
Parents will be responsible for their children at all times
No guns in the clubhouse
All shooters must follow the additional posted beverage rules
Only shooters and authorized personnel are allowed on the firing line
Eye and ear protection are to be worn by all shooters when on the firing line. We also recommend all individuals on or near the firing line wear hearing and eye protection
Only shotguns of 12 gauge or smaller may be used at this club
No pets or animals are allowed in the club house
Pets must be leashed during any shooting activity
Line Etiquette
Shooters are not permitted to change posts once shooting has begun
Only 5 shooters permitted on a field at one time
Shooters are allowed to load only 1 shell at a time except for when shooting doubles
No shooter may mount or load his/her gun until the previous shooter has shot
Once gun is loaded muzzle must be kept pointed down range
Guns must be unloaded from post to post
Broken open gun with shell in the chamber cannot be rested upon toe, shooter must hold gun
No guns will be loaded or pointed down range while the flag on the trap house is visible
Talking while on the line needs to be kept to a minimum to prevent extra birds from being thrown
Yardage 16-20
1 yard difference between adjacent shooters with no more than a maximum of 2 yard difference
Yardage 21-27
2 yard difference between adjacent shooters with no more than a maximum of 3 yard difference
Additional Considerations
Each shooter is responsible for his/her self and fellow shooters at all times
ATA and NRA safety rules will prevail and apply at all times
Cheyenne Trap and Skeet Club is not responsible for accidents or loss of personal property
Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated. Cheyenne Trap and Skeet reserves the right to disqualify or eject any shooter disrupting the harmony of a shoot or not abiding by club or safety rules
Click on the PDF to download a copy of the club rules