Do I have to be a member?
The Cheyenne Trap and Skeet Club is open to the public. Club membership is not required to participate in any of the tournaments, leagues or turkey shoots.
What are the perks of being a member?
Reduced rates on practice shooting in the form of a clay card (10 rounds for $70)
Reloading components for purchase at prices below retail costs
Voting rights at annual meeting
More information can be viewed on the membership section of our site. Click here
What is a promatic shoot?
This is a self paced trap which does not require the club to be open. It can only be used by those who have a promatic card and have been authorized and trained to utilize the system.
Who can access the promatic system?
Members are the only ones who can run the system; however, anyone who is with that person has the ability to shoot. You can access more information here
What do memberships cost?
Annual Membership: $50
Good for one calendar year from purchase
Life Membership: $400
Included membership for immediate family (significant others and children under 18)
What shells can I shoot?
Only 7 ½, 8 or 9 size shot
12 gauge or smaller may be used on any shooting field
Maximum shell velocity not to exceed 1300 FPS
What is Lewis Class?
Lewis Class/Option is a lottery.
Basic example: If there are 30 shooters and three Lewis classes, we will take the top ten shooters and pay one third of the total purse to the highest scores. Then they take 11 thru 20 and pay one third to the top score or scores in that group. Then the high scores in 21 thru 30 is paid last one third of the purse.
Detailed Example: –
3 Classes
1st Class: 60/40%
2nd and 3rd Class: 50/30/20%
Total Purse: 33 enter at $10.00 = $330.00 total collect purse money $330 – 3 classes = $110.00 class
1st Class
60% = $66.00
40% = $44.00
2nd Class
50% = $55.00
30% = $33.00
20% = $22.00
3rd Class
50% = 55.00
40% = $44.00
30% = $33.00
Score and Payoff - Example
1-100 Winners Class 1-60% = $66.00
1-99 Runner-ups Class 1-40% = $44.00
2nd Class
2-93 50% = $18.50 each
1-92 30% = $33.00 each
1-91 20% = $22.00 each
3rd Class
2-89 50% = $18.50 each
1-88 30% = $33.00 each
1-87 20% = $22.00 each
How does the Cheyenne Trap and Skeet Club support our community?
Cheyenne Trap and Skeet Club is a non-profit organization that supports various community charities. Cheyenne Trap and Skeet Club gave donations and other support to:
Cheyenne Needs
Cheyenne Safe House
Meals on Wheels
Special Olympics
National Wild Turkey Foundation
Wyoming Game and Fish
Special Friends
Friends of the NRA
Cheyenne High School Trap and Skeet Team
Wyoming Wildlife Federations
Cheyenne Animal Shelter
Other charitable wildlife and habitat support organizations